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How To Take Care Of Organic Garden
  How To Take Care Of Organic Garden ~ Organic Fertilizers            page #1/2  

How about a greener, more attractive lawn? If you've stuck with chemical fertilizers over the years because you're convinced that they work better than natural, organic products, may surprise you. A major component of a successful Organic Garden is the fertilizers you use. Like everything else in the world of Organic Gardening, fertilizers must be composed of all natural ingredients.

The difference between organic gardening and chemical based gardening is philosophy and approach. Organic gardeners treat the soil as a living organism that needs to be cared for. Chemical gardeners view soil as dirt, something for chemical solutions. For organic gardeners a healthy soil is a productive soil.


Organic garden fertilizers should only be used to supplement soil fertility and not as long term sole source fertility program. Organic fertilizers differ from chemicals, in that; they feed your plants while building the soil's structure.

Soils with lots of organic material, remain loose and airy, are better able to hold moisture and nutrients, foster growth of soil organisms, including earthworms, and promote healthier root development Building a healthy soil is the key to successful organic gardening.

Any organic gardener knows that soil must be worked with at the start and end of each growing season to ensure an abundant output of healthy organic plants and flowers. Organic garden fertilizer is an excellent way of replacing essential nutrients, keeping plants well-fed and capable of producing a bountiful crop.

Organic garden fertilizer contains no chemicals and is made from live materials that are plant or animal-based. Soil additives, whether organic or not, may also be used in conjunction with organic garden fertilizer. These common additives such as Epsom salts or potash are used to control the PH balance of the soil and also to provide additional micro-nutrients.

There are so many ways to add nutrients to your garden. But you must be careful to only include fertilizers that are 100% organic. The best way to do that is to make it yourself. Yes, it does take more time and effort. Ultimately you will be rewarded with healthy living foods that will nourish you and your family.

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